Carolina Microwave Associates, Inc. is able to provide role players who serve as civilians on the battlefield (COB) or as individuals required for any type of training support – Generic, foreign language speakers (FLS), casualty, and insurgent.
- Foreign Language Speaking (FLS) Role Players - FLS role players that are cleared with life experience residing in the cultural/geographic region portrayed during the training. Fluent in language and culture and provide the "human terrain" in which the military operates.
- Insurgent Role Players – Insurgent/Opposing Force (OPFOR) role players are provide to stress and harass friendly forces. They are able to fire weapons (blank and/or marking rounds) and drive military vehicles.
- Generic Role Players - non-foreign language speaking role players able to portray civilian roles within the training that do not require a foreign language capability. Often used in scenarios replicating government officials, new media, or innocent bystanders.
- VIP Role Players - Ambassadors, corporate executives, celebrity, etc.. role players that act as the intended target.
- Casualty Role Players – casualty role players that act as wounded personnel on the battlefield or injured in everyday situations. These individuals will have traumatic wounds applied by Special Effects Make-up Artists and are trained to display symptoms of various injuries. There are also Amputee Actors that can replicate some of the most horrific injuries – those requiring tourniquet training. Cut Suit Actors can portray injuries that can be treated on a live person – needle D, cric, chest tube, tourniquet.
For more information, please contact Carolina Microwave Associates.