The engineers at Carolina Microwave Associates, Inc. has over four hundred years of combined experience to design your printed circuit board. We utilize the current industry standard software for the design and simulation. As such, we are able to offer the following:
- ALIVH technology.
- High speed, multi layer digital PCB designs - Bus routing, differential pairs, matched lengths.
- PCB Designs for space, military, medical and commercial applications
- Extensive RF and analog design experience (printed antennas, guard rings , RF shields...)
- Signal integrity issues to meet your digital design needs (tuned traces, diff pairs...)
- PCB Layer management for signal integrity and impedance control
- DDR, DDR2, DDR3, SAS and differential pair routing expertise
- High density SMT designs (BGA, uBGA, PCI, PCIE, CPCI...)
- Flex PCB designs of all types
- Low level analog PCB designs for metering
- Ultra low EMI designs for MRI applications
- Complete assembly drawings
- In-Circuit Test data generation (ICT)
- Drill, panel and cutout drawings designed
- Professional fabrication documents created
- Autorouting for dense PCB designs
Furthermore, we are able to help you identify and eliminate potential signal integrity(SI) issues with your radio frequency printed circuit board to eliminate cross talk, EMI or RFI emissions. We know how to manage your layer stack up and trace widths to meet the desired impedance and we know what to look for in SI management to make your design work as it should
Please do not hesitate to contact us or call 888-684-6248 to execute a NDA (non-disclosure agreement). We look forward to working with you.